Details for this torrent 

Sibelius 4
Applications > Windows
384.57 MB

+1 / -0 (+1)

Mar 6, 2007

SIBELIUS is the complete software for writing, playing, printing and 
           publishing music notation. It will make your life easier, save you 
           time, produce fantastic results ? and enable you to do things you 
           might never have dreamed of, like publish your music on the Internet, 
           or create your own CDs.

           The new version Sibelius 4 takes another giant leap forward, with 
           astonishing new features no other program can touch:

           Dynamic Parts?
           Beautifully laid-out instrumental parts that magically 
           update themselves whenever you change the full score

           Worksheet Creator?
           Save time by choosing from over 1700 high-quality 
           worksheets, exercises, songs, instrumental pieces, lyrics, posters & 
           other resources

           Video View movie
           Now you too can compose a film/TV score! For 
           professionals and students alike. Includes videos to write for, from 
           Charlie Chaplin to Mr Bean


           1) Unrar  
           2) Burn or Mount 
           3) Use the Keygen to Register  
           4) Enjoy Sibelius 4

           Special Notes : if you happen to have an old version on your pc
           and it asks to use this license say no so you can enter
           the new serial, otherwise it is hard to get a new
           serial into it


Is it just me or is there no Keygen with this file ? or is the keygen posted elswhere ?
Yes, there is a keygen in the ISO.
You paste in your machine code and your registration is generated.

Thanks ;)
In fact, the keygen is separate from the ISO.
It should be extracted along with it.
ooops my mistake sorry did not see the file inbetween the rar files - many thanks
Does anyone know of a version of this for the intel macs using os X? It would be much apreciated...
You can find it at isohunt.
when it tells me to register, what should I do?
and for some reason , it won't let me connect to the internet to register (i checked my connection, and it's running perfectly fine).
You have to click Register by phone.

There you'll see your machine code, which you can input in the KeyGen, and it'll generate for you.

No real phone calling needed.
Hey, I have microsoft Vista, and I have downloaded this, unzipped the .rar files and burned the image onto a disc, and then installed it. When I then go to open it, it says that I need to be on the admin account of the PC to register it, and I cannot get any furthur. I have checked my account settings, and I am the only person who uses this computer, I am admin etc. Do you know why this is. When I installed it on another PC it was fine, but that PC ran XP. Mike
Hi! I've installed sibelius and all that, but i can't open it! I've got the same problem as fluffy apparently: when i try to open the program it says that I have to be the administrator of the computer, which I already am! I don't know what to do about it...
Hey! I cant find out where im supposed find the "Register by phone"-button! Please help me!
it can be found right under the internet registration button... My problem is that i don't get any sound except the start up signature :(
Sorry if i act stupid, but where do i find the internet regstration?
u click on the 'help'-button to the top left. choose 'register sibelius' and then mark 'register by phone'. i tried to check exactly how to do it, but since i have already registerd, i couldnt do it. good luck :p
top right i mean... sorry
Now I just got one problem. Is it when I start sibelius I shall find a help button? cause when I start the program there is just the box where i shall put the registration code. So I wonder now, where is the "help"-button? ;)
I'm having a problem, same as others. I get the intro sound but no playback at all. I can test the Kontakt player and the other (general midi something) and they test fine, but to play back the score- it doesn't have sound. I even tried to test the instruments individually... still nothing.

What am I doing wrong?
beautiful software......... I registered and it is works...... but I did not hear any sound.
I check devices and I can see than you need MIDI keyboard or other device to have some sound.....shit... i have not......... I touhgt than I can compose music use my laptop keyboard......this option goes probably with version 5.0 or 5.1.......
here we go...if playback doesn't work

By default, Sibelius assumes that your playback device is General MIDI compatible, which almost all soundcards and many keyboards and sound modules are these days. If you don't know, the easiest way to check is to play back a score containing different instruments. If this doesn't work, it may be that:
You get no sound at all. This means your soundcard or MIDI device or speakers aren't working or aren't plugged in properly, or that your computer can play back through several devices and it's set to the wrong one.
You get different sounds but they're the wrong instruments:
If the right sounds came out, your device probably obeys the General MIDI standard and your life is going to be all laughter and sunshine from now on
If the wrong sounds came out, you'll have to choose a different sound set to suit that device - see Sound sets above
If your device isn't compatible with any of the supplied sound sets, and you don't want the bother of creating your own sound set (see 4.13 Edit Sound Sets), you'll have to tell Sibelius which sounds to use for each staff - see 4.2 Mixer.
Setting up for MIDI input
I foud!!! disable kontakt silver player and
use your eg.Microsoft GS wavetable synth and you must clink beside TEST on use----YES and it is working and you have ice sound........
Excellent thank u, works fine and no crap from mcaffee scan
just like Parkmanium, I can't figure out where the "register by phone" is. I looked at the "register sibelius" page on their website, but there is only online registeration.
Okay, Need help. Could anybody post up a step by step for how to sort everything out because not of it seems to be workin.

Runnin Windows XP by the way if that helps in any way. Sorry, wouldn't ask if I could figure it out for myself. Thanks for any help you can give me with it.
Is it true?
Downloaded the program. Did the register, but then when I open the program, it just goes to sibelius box with the sound then does not proceed to open the program. Anyone have ideas how I can actually start the program?
I am having the same problem with the registration. I cannot seem to fine anywhere to register the software other than the dialog box it opens when I tell it I don't have a previously registered copy of Sibelius on my comp. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Ok! I think I have figured it out.
1. To get to the registration part, use the number that should already be in the key generator.
2. Go to the register by phone section and get your machine code from there.
3. Input that code into the keygen and get a different number.
4. Go to register by phone/fax and input that code as well as the other information it asks for.

That should do it!
IS THERE ACTUALLY A VIRUS ON THIS TORRENT? Please tell, coz i dont wanna endanger my computer
Hey, has anyone got a problem when installing Sibelius using the ISO? With me, it gets to one bar in the 'All Files' one then stops. Anyone else got that? How do i stop it? I am using DT Lite, if that helps.
i dont get it. how do i install it? ha i feel like a moron. o well
ok im guessing mount means put the files on a disk? if thats the case, what all files do i put on it? everything in the download?
Mangledone has it!
Don't register. Just activate "by phone" ;)
The Kontakt player does not work well. Just disable it and use your default midi player.
No virus in this torrent. However, there is a version 5 floating about. It is an improvement.
I had the same problem as fluffy - if you have vista, when you open sibelius 4 for the first time it says you need to be an administrator. you get round this by going into:

>my computer>
>program files>
>sibelius software>
>sibelius 4>

then right click on "sibelius.exe" (it might not say .exe at the end) and click "Run as Administrator"
can someone please explain how to install this in somewhat detail please? i dont understand
Does anybody have the Kontakt Player Silver or Gold for Sibelius 4 ??????
If so please post, I need it really bad!

ClamWin found a VIRUS:
G:\autorun.exe: Worm.Autorun-584 FOUND
----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 477739
Engine version: 0.91.1
Scanned directories: 46
Scanned files: 2533
Skipped non-executable files: 19
Infected files: 1

Howevery only in autorun.exe, so I if u manage to avoid that I guess it should be okay...
How do i disable Kontakt player?